2011年1月30日 星期日
1. 天下大亂
2. 聖人(統治者)出現
3. 悟道
2011年1月29日 星期六
2011年1月22日 星期六
a. 接案人員是以統包的方式接案之後,內部再作利潤的拆解。
b. 導演的要求就是希望完美,所以都會拖到時間到的時候,才作最後決定,導致員工與機器的成本就在那裡。
c. 改變與導演的互動,聚焦到最後幾個決定,縮短導演猶豫的時間。
a. Quota Setting的績效是否適合
b. 因個案制宜
a. 固定高底薪+新客戶的訂單績效獎金
b. 較低底薪+舊客戶的維護+新客戶的訂單績效獎金
c. 因國情不同而會有不同的激勵效果
老師comment:要看業績是measuralbe or not及公司在市場的位置, 去決定該用那個制度
a. 公立醫院的底薪是高的,不見得願意去做非必要性的工作(教學、追求高服務品質等)
b. 透過一些公基金的分配,40%由科室平分,60%由主任設定的條件來區分追加的工作內容。
老師comment:策略績效無法用別人的模式來套用在自己的身上。Nothing, but hard thinking.
a. 醫院管理上指定醫生、醫生績效口碑、客戶溝通
b. 利用ipad作溝通平台,提供患者另類就醫體驗,與其他診所區隔。對於績效好的醫生,用提供更多的護理人員,來協助他,讓他對連鎖的黏滯性上有提昇。
老師comment: Domain Knowledge 很重要,用經濟原理來衡量。
a. 優點--團隊成員互相激勵、互相制衡、不能獨善其身、成員間評效較真實、成員自己決定淘汰不合適成員、管理階層輕鬆(有藉口)
b. 不適用的組織--重視各人專才、CEO、不是群體效應大的。
c. 缺點--人緣好,不一定做事好、鄉愿、團體排擠、成為管理階層鬥爭工具
d. 關鍵控制點--超過5人才有意義、評比所占比例、其他激勵措施的配合(工時、特殊貢獻),管理者的執行力
老師comment:Force ranking, 把最後不適合的倒數人員砍掉,只適合用到同質性很高的團隊。公家機關可能適用、營利企業就不太能適用。
2011年1月14日 星期五
2011年1月8日 星期六
Neogotiation....Start up
Startup Valuation, Preferred Stock and Common Stock Prices
Jay Parkhill July 17th, 2008
This post may get a bit wonky. I’ll do my best to keep it straightforward.
I have talked to a lot of people in my career who get confused by the value of shares of stock in a startup company. A venture-oriented company has two or more different kinds of shares with different values attached. Here’s how to keep them separate.
Pre-Money, Post-Money and Per-Share Value
When a company does a financing, it sets a value for the entire company- the “pre money” valuation before the new money comes in. Let’s say the value is $10M. If the company has 5M shares outstanding, this means that each share is worth $10M/5M = $2.00. This is the price investors will pay to buy stock in the company.
If the investors are putting in $5M, they are buying $5M/$2 = 2,500,000 shares. The company now has 7.5M shares outstanding, and the total “post-money” valuation is $15M. We can see by the numbers that on a per-share basis (2.5M/7.5M) and a dollar-value basis ($5M/$15M) that the investors now own 1/3 of the company.
Common Stock vs. Preferred Stock Pricing
The part that gets tricky is that investors buy preferred stock, but the company also has common stock that it will issue to employees. Preferred stock has superior rights, especially including a right to get paid first when the company is sold. By convention and IRS rules, we are allowed to say that the preferred stock is worth more today than the common stock. Thus, when we sell preferred stock to investors at $2.00/share, we can give options to employees to buy common stock at a much lower price- $0.30 or so.
This works well for the most part. Investors want certain rights that employees don’t care about and pay extra for them. Employees would rather get low-priced options than the preferred rights. Everybody is happy.
But I Thought Each Share Was Worth $2.00?
The place people get tied up is comparing the enterprise valuation with the common/preferred stock differential. We valued the entire company at $10M, which meant that each share was worth $2. At the same time, we say that common stock is not worth $2 and is only worth $0.30. Which is true? Both. Here is how and when to use each number.
Enterprise Valuation is for the Big Picture and Financings Only
When we value the company for a financing, we put a value on the whole company as though it is about to be sold. We take into account all of the economic preferences and assume that all stock is converted to common. Every share is the same at that point. In other words, if the pre-money valuation is $10M and the company has only common stock outstanding, each share is worth $2. The valuation is really forward-looking to an eventual exit.
Common Stock Price is For Employees Today
Until that happens, though, we maintain different types of stock with different rights- common and preferred. The preferred is sold based on the as-converted valuation, but the common has fewer rights and we can issue options at a lower price. The company’s total valuation continues to be $10M and each share would be worth $2 on a sale of the company, but before that happens each share of common stock is actually worth $0.30.
The Simple Rule
The easiest way to think about this is that preferred stock is for investors and common stock is for employees. Be aware that pricing is set differently for each.
2011年1月3日 星期一
Talk -- Niklas Zennstrom
Entrepreneurship is much more important than to learn the business administration in the college.
KazaA is found in 2000, for picture and music downlaod company. It was very suffficeful for the low internet traffic. I learned the internet biz can be made in very low capital for international. Suurounding the best people to help you to make the deal and dream come true. they don't want to spend another 5 years for musici industry or movie industry...so, they start another company...skype.
In 2002, with the .com bubbles, it was very hard to raise the capital. In order to save the fee of the international call, so engineer to find out how to go thro the internet for the voice communicaitons.It was a big found that it was possible to send the voice via internet, althrought the firewall is in another issue.
He quote from Walt Disney--"All my troubles and obstacles have strengthed me....you may not realize it when it happen. but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you."
"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."--Henry Ford.
So, "Take a chance on your dreams, even if it means you might fail."--Niklas Zennstrom.
"Developed nations will soon owe more than they produce."
"Organic growth: not just for vegetables."...relative to the GDP growth of coutries.
"If you're not forging ahead you're falling behind."
Technology factor: take examples
google--the search engine
Zynga--online game
skype--international communications
facebook/twiter--international grouping.
Technology should be developed by following people's behavior.
"Failure is health, make you learn what is possible, what is not possible. it makes you smart".
To Remember, you won't learn until you have being an entrpreneur.
Country culture is an issue, but remember, you have to learn that the major market's risk have its way to make success.
Embrace Risk.
another thing you have to have is....People. People are the best form of capital.
The other entreprenuer is that...IKEA founder, Ingvar Kamprad.
"By always asking why we are doing this or that, we can find new paths."
If there is no market, there is no business.
What do you need from investors...?
a. Money.
b. Strategy and investment return plan.
c. Ask for help.
Three things to follow..
a. Support real organic growth
b. Encourage innovation
c. Empower the risk-takers
In the end, it's time to go for it.
a. for the me-too situation, what is your attitude?
you have to trust your people, they practice what you learn very fast. You can be the leading rule.
b. Organic Growth v.s. M&A
tracing the core business.
c. Luck and Lcuky?
Timing is most important thing than Luck.