2011年2月12日 星期六


with 99B...

-- Defining Strategy.. 1
V 1962, Alfred Chandler, The determination of the long-run & objectives of an enterprise, and the adoption of course of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals.
V Strategy is the overall plan for deploying resources to establish a favorable position.
-- Characteristics of Strategy Decisions:
V Highest level of a decision chain
V Involve a significant commitment of resources.
V Not easily reversible.

so, 公司是否有明顯的策略就會很重要。

-- Corporate/Growth Strategy
V Diversification Strategy
V M&A Strategy
V Internationalization Strategy
V Technology Strategy
-- Business/Competitive Strategy
-- Functional Strategy

1950's Financial Budgeting
1960's Corporate Planing, how to Diversification
(Growth Matrix)
1970~1980 Strategy as Positioning (定位時代)
BCG Matrix
1990's Quest for CA(Resources andn Capabilities, Restructuring and Re-engineering)
2000 New Economy Strategy

Internet出來,改變了什麼? 距離。時間的價值可被實現。
2006 New Millennium Strategy(CSR&Biz Ethics, Standards and Winner-take-all Markets, Global Strategy)
=> Budgeting->Forecasting->Externally Strategic Thinking->Strategic Intent->Strategic Innovation

SWOT 最大的問題是---最後變成---------DO BETTER Strategy!!! BUT, do better is not a strategy!!!
邏輯上沒有錯,只是用SWOT分析到最後就是沒辦法分辨S,W, O, T的比重。會變成套套邏輯。



Inside-out, Outside-in


